Nude, 36x30x33cm, ash, 1995


 Nude, 51x42x31cm, coloured beech, 1995

Nude, 51x42x31cm, coloured beech, 1995 

Crustacean, 23x29x40, coloured ash, 1994 

Crustacean, 23x29x40, coloured ash, 1994 

Africa, 163x35x24cm, coloured beech, 1995 

 Africa, 163x35x24cm, coloured beech, 1995

 Candlestick, 20x20x34cm, painted mahagony and patina processed copper, 1992

Candlestick, 43x43x100cm, painted mahagony and patina processed copper, 1991 

The song of the blackcock, 86x48x10cm, 1992 

 Remake of a part of an iconostasis from Samokov school, 40x65x6cm, walnut, 1990

Copy of a fragment from the Triavna school, 45x70x5cm, cherry, 1992 

Fruit-bowl, 33x33x18cm, painted walnut and ash, 1995 

 Candlestick, 25x28x20cm, painted ash and patina processed copper, 1992